"For Marati
the artist’s role becomes the one of a sorcerer’s apprentice or a shaman called to confront
the universal forces and pacify the counter tendencies gathered in the
energetic fields of the crushed contemporary man.
Divaris the conflict played in the 8 o’clock news, to manipulate/entertain the
public of a posterior society of the spectacle, is what supposed to be
represented over again in sleek surfaces reflecting the sight of the spectator-
as well as his/her surrounding world- together with the arrogance of his/her
distance from the represented disasters, to be stigmatized only by the peculiar
“memento mori” of material progress in an industrial society that is marching,
with a remarkable self esteem, towards its own destruction.
The interpretation and
effect of both artists works on one, of course heterogeneous, public is not the
easiest, most comfort or pleasant procedure. The hazy doors of perception by Alexandra
Marati coordinate with respect to the receptiveness of the spectator who is
going to be initiated, causing feelings of deliverance after the completion of
their positive influence. Nevertheless the accessibility in her “mythic” Unknown
is not obvious. Accordingly in front of the galvanized screens of Divaris’
aestheticized barbarism, the spectator can experience nothing but alienation,
uneasiness or even repulsion faced with a repressed “familiarity” from which
he/she has managed to distance through his/her arrogance.
artist-guide, the artist-gate, who builds a penetrable surface of transition
from the material to the immaterial world, opposite to the artist-mirror, the
artist- messenger
of bad news who puts up a magnifying lens across humanity face.
calling to subtle passages and epiphanies calling to a pause and contemplation.
them a whole world."
Anthie Argyriou - art theorist