Die werden es sehen, denen von Ihm noch nichts verkündet ward und die verstehen, die noch nichts vernommen haben.
-Heinrich Bӧll
1. (description of proposal and technical details – materials and dimensions)
This is a book/construction which, when extended, alludes to a pyramid with seven steps, and when compressed – with the help of magnets – comprises a square surface which has (7) concentric squares laid out in its interior.
Its upward extension as well as its contraction are based on the principle of “as above, so below”.
The base is 40cmΧ40cm in dimension, while the dimensions of the remaining steps in ascending order are 34cmΧ34cm, 28cmΧ28cm, 22cmΧ22cm, 16cmX16cm, 10cmX10cm, 4cmX4cm.
Thin magnetic stainless sheets have been used for the construction.
Excerpts of “cryptic” speech as well as fragments of images from past artworks by Alexandra Marati have been printed/inscribed on the surface of the base, as well as on all other outer surfaces of the magnetic sheets.
Blue LED lights have been placed on the base. Light mostly visible in darkness, with electrical power supply. Also, a small orgonite* sphere may float magnetically directly above the void between the smallest square and the tip of the pyramid-like construction.
*orgonite is an ethereal energy transformer which can operate with a wireless connection.
2. (theoretical approach)
"Tout, au monde, existe pour aboutir à un livre"
("Everything in the world exists in order to end up in a book")
-Stéphane Mallarmé
Mallarmé’s notion that the world exists only to end up in a book is like a kind of aphoristic statement on a version of a book in its absolute form : an ‘oeuvre totale’, in other words, which completes in its entirety the mnemonic dimension.
The proposal for a book in the shape of a pyramid, evoking a version of ‘ideal memory’, leads automatically to a visual proposal for the organizing and recording of the ‘ideal memory’ throughout the centuries.
Such an example – of, essentially, a utopian book – which extends in height but also contracts in both dimensions, projects on the one hand the promise of elevation in stages, and on the other that of equal, even access, where the different levels are assimilated to one another to form the concentric squares of the base in a rational arrangement of peace and simplicity.
The extracts of written discourse that were chosen, signs in secret languages (codes, allegories, symbols or verbal variations and rhythmic repetitions) from Plato, Heinrich Bӧll, Edgar Cayce, Jorge Luis Borges, Marcel Swob ... – are interrelated in many ways, referring to one another directly or indirectly, allowing infinite possible combinations and dialogues or dimensions of perception.
A portable, pyramid-shaped manual of this kind, incorporating obscure extracts from writings on knowledge and thought, resembles a portable ‘shrine’, offered up in a purely personal decision of ritual ceremony.
- Thalea Stefanidou
art historian - curator
The playful
universe of Alexandra Marati offers an arrangement of altar-like edifices and
impressions from a personal idiolect – the channelling into visual terms of an
invisible dimension. The works refer to the physical process of relaxation, and
the harmonizing of internal opposing forces.
Through the
primordial art of meditation, spiral flows of breathing energy reproduce in
different colour tones the breath of life itself, and a visual record of
momentary desires, recorded in the AKASHA of the universe, releasing healing
vibrations and wishes…
(breath = ash à S infinite)
The spiral
trees of life are permeated by vital energy, breath, transforming them into
dimensional gateways of the axis mundi and sources of cosmogony,
transcending the various levels of reality and opening up a portal to another
form of consciousness.
Through an
inner light source of a concentric cosmic nucleus, a blue crystalline energy is
accumulated in pyramid-shaped plates of magnetic material (the tectonic plates
of the earth), amplifying their vibrations in a gradual process of ascent –
both upwards and downwards. The hovering mirrors in the interior of the
sometimes hidden library evoke parallel universes and magnetic fields in which
there is suspended a cosmic sphere of more sublime associations.
images, trapped in a spectral existence, alternate forms in their shadowy,
labyrinthine web, marked by the dissemination of coloured dust (spray paint)
over many levels, with strokes of the brush and patches rubbed in with charcoal
evoking memories of stellar and atomic collisions in Light and Darkness. The
evolution of the earth through the progress of nature, as reflected in the
surface, creates from a distance the sense of the recurrent parallel Self, the
gateway to the stars…